EASR Brno conference: Second Call for Panel

There is room for one more paper on the following panel at the EASR conference, 7-11 September, Brno, Czech Republic:

‘The problem of second order tradition in Religious Studies’

At the IAHR special conference on methodology in Turku, 1973, Walter
Capps drew attention to the lack of a ‘second order tradition’ in
Religious Studies (RS). Capps argued that the field had difficulty
‘relating to its past in narrative form’. He was concerned that lack
of agreement on ‘corporate intelligence’ would hamper the field’s
intellectual and institutional development.

The problem has intensified in the light of recent critiques of
metanarrative and disciplinarity. Focusing on the recent and
contemporary period (post-1970), this panel aims to address the
following questions: Is RS a field or a discipline? Does it have
(or should it aspire to) metatheoretical unity, and if so, in what
does (or should) this lie? How does RS relate to models of
disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity? And how does it compare with
other academic disciplines on these and related issues?

Empirical-historical case studies and metatheoretical analyses are both invited.

Please send offers of papers by 19 May 2008 to Dr. Steven Sutcliffe:

Thank you.

Dr. Steven Sutcliffe
Lecturer in Religion and Society
School of Divinity
University of Edinburgh
New College
Mound Place


Editorial board: Religion

Advisory board: ZjR – Zeitschrift für junge Religionswissenschaft

Advisory board: Journal of Alternative Spiritualities and New Age Studies

Journée CRLV/La Réunion: „Le Voyage en Inde. Itinéraires et approches (XIXe-XXe siècles)

Journée CRLV/La Réunion: „Le Voyage en Inde. Itinéraires et approches (XIXe-XXe siècles)

„Le Voyage en Inde. Itinéraires et approches (XIXe-XXe siècles”
Journée d’études du 7 mai 2008, Maison de la Recherche, 28 rue Serpente. 75006 Paris, Salle 35, en visioconférence entre l’université de la Réunion et le CRLV



Entrée libre.

Roma Day Celebrations in Chandigarh (India)

This misidentification has become evident again on the occasion of the „Roma [Gypsy] Day Celebrations” in Chandigarh, on 8 April, 2008, to which participated Gypsies from Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovak Republic, Ukraine and Australia. None from Romania.

„The Indian Express”, a major Delhi based newspaper, characterises the event – in the very title of its article – as „attempts to promote cultural relations between Romania and India”.

„The Tribune” from Chandigarh (the capital of Punjab) speaks about the „Romanian civilisations” with reference to the Gypsies (the Roma / Gypsies are called „Roman”). Mr. S. K. Setia, H.C.S., Director of Public Instruction (Schools), Chandigarh Administration, is quoted speaking about the event as being a „cultural exchange programme” with Romania.

And so on. Nobody seems to take serious action against this misidentification which has the tendency of going global. In a world in which the image has become capital (read „fatal”), such an attitude is merely suicidal.

The Romanian government, the diplomatic missions and the Romanian journalists connected to the international mass media should take the matter very seriously.

A good idea would be to create an NGO to act specifically on this issue, and generally on maters related to the misrepresentation of Romanians.

Please circulate this appeal.

–––- Forwarded message –––-
From: Roma Virtual Network romale@zahav.net.il
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 16:39:24 +0300
Subject: Roma Day Celebrations in Chandigarh, India

Roma Day Celebrations in Chandigarh (India)

8 April, 2008

India Inter-Continental Cultural Association (Regd.), Chandigarh (India) in collaboration with Writers Club, Chandigarh, and Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 47-D, Chandigarh organized Roma Day Festival in Chandigarh on 8 April, 2008. This Festival was also supported by Indo-Roma Centre, Belgrade (Serbia) whose President Mr. Jovan Damjanovic sent us warm greetings and best wishes for the success of this Festival. These events were the result of continuous efforts made by Mr. Dev Bhardwaj, Director, India Inter-Continental Cultural Association, Chandigarh (India), who is also the first Vice-President of Indo-Roma Centre, Belgrade (Serbia).  On the occasion were present conveners of Writers Club, Chandigarh – Mr. Sham Singh Angsang and Saathi Balwinder Singh. Dr. Suresh Pillia, Incharge Indian Diaspora section of Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, Delhi was the special Guest of honour who offered all help to for such events in the future. Mr. Janardhan Pathania, Advisor, IICCA surprised all by speaking in romani language.  He said romani language is the off-shoot of Punjabi, Hindi and Rajasthani languages and every from India can learn it very easily. Prominent poets, writers, artists, journalists and intellectuals  like Prof. P. S. Nirola, Film Director, Ms. Manjit Indra, Malkit Singh, Artist, Devinder Daman, Theatre Director, C. R. Modgil, Director Haryana Punjabi Sahit Academi, Kashmir Singh Pannu, Prof. Ajmer Singh, Amar Giri, Hardev Chauhan, Jatinder Pajni, Raj Kumar, Artist, Sabita Dass, were also present on the occasion.

Two major events were organized:

(1) Exhibition of paintings (total displayed 82) by roma (Gypsy) children from :

Slovak Republic (54),
Bulgaria (20),
Croatia (5)
Australia (2) and
Ukraine (1)

Exhibition of paintings was inaugurated by Mr. S. K. Setia, H.C.S., Director of Public Instruction (Schools), Chandigarh Administration, Chandigarh on 8 April, 2008 at 11.00 A.M. who was chief guest of the occasion in the premises of Government Senior Secondary School, Sector 47-D, Chandigarh (India). He was so impressed by the paintings displayed in the exhibition that he immediately sent orders to all the Governments Schools in the city of Chandigarh to depute children of their schools to see this exhibition, which will surely encourage the young generation to motivate them towards fine art. The exhibition remained open for three days from 8 to 10 April, 2008. The display of paintings was done in a very impressive manner by the art-teacher of the school Mr.  Vishal Bhatnagar & other supporting staff and students under the over all supervision of Mr. J. S. Basota, Principal of the school who worked very hard for the success of this festival. Main force behind motivation to organise such an exhibition was Mr. Jan Sajko <sajko.jan@post.sk>, Art teacher of a school in Slovak Republic.

(2) Romani Music & Dance by Miss Fruzsina Hanna Perjes (from Hungary)

In the evening at the same avenue, well know roma-gypsy singer Miss Fruzsina Hanna Perjes from Budapest Hungary presented Romani songs in her full melodious voice. She was accompanied by three local musicians who earlier were  with her for two days to do rehearsal.

RESULT of competition of paintings
Out of 82 paintings from 5 countries displayed in the exhibition, overall best entry award went to Slovak Republic. Country-wise Ist, 2nd 3rd positions were also declared. judgment was done by a jury of prominent artists from Chandigarh.
Here are the paintings who were declared awarded:

OVERALL BEST ENTRY from 82 paintings from 5 countries :

DUZDOVA DASA (Slovak Republic)


3. BILA IVETA (3rd)


1. Asparuh Iaroslavov (Ist)
2. Iana Angelova Ivanova (2nd)
3. Tsvetina Hristova (3rd)
4. Adelina Ivajlova Burova (Consolation)


1. Patricia Cana (Ist)
2. Viktor Cana (2nd)

No painting was awarded from
Ukraine and Australia because there was
entry from one children each from these countries.

We congratulate all the children who are awarded and also who participated
and wish they could ever visit India to see their ancestor’s land, its art, culture and people.

Marburg Journal of Religion: new issue

Dear Colleagues,

Marburg Journal of Religion is a refereed open access journal for the study of religions which has existed for more than ten years.

There is a new issue of Marburg Journal of Religion for May 2008, which is already on-line. See:


The contents of the new issue are as follows:


Karl-Fritz Daiber
China und der Konfuzianismus – Einige Aspekte ihrer Rezeptionsgeschichte in Deutschland aus Anlass der Ehrenpromotion von Helmut Schmidt durch die Philipps-Universität Marburg

Charles W. Nuckolls
Archaeology, Mormonism, and the Claims of History

Florence Pasche
Some methodological reflections about the study of religions on video sharing websites

Douglas Pratt, Norman Franke
Pluralität und Pluralismus: Zu Kontexten und Grundformen des christlich-islamischen Dialogs in Deutschland

Monika Schrimpf
Nationale Selbstbehauptung in neuen religiösen Bewegungen in Japan – das Beispiel K?fuku no Kagaku

Alan Trevithick
The Theosophical Society and its Subaltern Acolytes (1880-1986)


Henrik Bogdan
Western Esotericism and Rituals of Initiation (Christoph Johannes Wagenseil) /

David L. Gosling
English Review: Science and the Indian Tradition. When Einstein met Tagore (Michael Pye)
German Review: Science and the Indian Tradition. When Einstein met Tagore (Ulrich Duchrow)

Michael Pye
General Editor, Marburg Journal of Religions

Professor of the Study of Religions, University of Marburg, Germany (retired)
Visiting Professor, Otani University, Kyoto, Japan (research only)

EASR conference 2008: 2nd call for papers


Prima edizione italiana integrale del Liber Sancti Jacobi – Codex calixtinus (sec. XII)]

Il Centro Italiano di Studi Compostellani

(Università degli Studi di Perugia)

e le Edizioni Compostellane

hanno pubblicato

Il Codice callistino

Prima edizione italiana integrale del

Liber Sancti JacobiCodex calixtinus (sec. XII)

Ulteriori informazioni su


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Edizioni Compostellane


Monica Lovinescu

A murit Monica Lovinescu

Neajunsul unui ferpar este că, vrînd să omagieze numele fiinţei decedate, alunecă deseori în exagerare comemorativă. Îi inventează merite pe care nu le-a avut sau îi întăreşte calităţi care, în timpul vieţii, fuseseră cu mult mai fragile. În cazul Monicăi Lovinescu, un asemenea pericol nu există. Căci a reprezentat forma superlativă a unei împliniri culturale. Nici o altă femeie nu a influenţat mai mult cultura română din 1980 încoace. A fost realmente un reper, genul de conştiinţă culturală căreia nu-i poţi găsi pereche în exilul românesc. A fost glasul cel mai ascultat din timpul comunismului, şi doar un amănunt statistic nefericit face ca unii din cei care o ascultau s-o umărească apoi cu o aviditate de criminali profesionişti. A fost omul a cărui hotărîre în spunerea adevărului nu a fost influenţată de ameninţările Securităţii şi nici de atentatul căreia i-a căzut victimă. A fost, într-un cuvînt, un punct cardinal într-o lume a fluctuaţiilor imprevizibile. În memoria românilor, Monica Lovinescu va rămîne acea voce de la Europa Liberă care reaşeza într-o ierarhie a valorilor o literatură pe care comuniştii preferau s-o aşeze într-o scală a servituţii. Monica Lovinescu împărţea meritele literare după alte criterii decît cele ale obedienţei ideologice. Şi astfel îndrepta ceea ce alţii măsluiseră şi critica ceea ce alţii lăudaseră. De aceea, de timbrul ei vocal, a cărui asprime contrasta cu fragilitatea trupului mărunt, s-au legat insomniile multor români. După 1989, Monica Lovinescu a vizitat ţara şi a început să-şi publice cărţile aici. Am văzut-o la televizor şi am ascultat-o pe viu în cursul apariţiilor publice din Bucureşti. Rămăsese aceeaşi doamnă hotărîtă care nu se sfia să spună ceea ce crede, indiferent de delicateţea temei. Moartea ei mai face încă o dată ceea ce vocea ei a făcut-o de atîtea ori în timpul vieţii: să ne unească din nou.


coordonator Centru de Studii „Constantin Noica”

membru al Societatii Romane de Fenomenologie

membru al Cenaclului Lovinescu

http://www.casa-lovinescu. ro

Monica Lovinescu in memoriam

Vi segnalo un breve testo commemorativo – l’unico disponibile in italiano, per il momento – su Monica Lovinescu, grande figura intellettuale dell’emigrazione romena a Parigi e della Radio Europa Libera (vera fonte di „ossigeno culturale” su onde corte, durante gli anni sempre più grigi del regime ceausista), scomparsa ieri.
Il pezzo è stato realizzato dalla nostra collega Diana Milos e si trova sul blog del FIRI:
Un saluto a tutti,

Zola Ritrovato

Descarcă AICI.

CRLV Iconothèque

En marge du programme VIATICA et du Répertoire d’Images Viatiques (RIVES), le CRLV met à disposition des chercheurs une iconothèque d’Images Volantes.

Les premières images (2 326)  mises en ligne sont issues du Musée Guimet  et d’une collection privée

Accès: par la page d’accueil du CRLV
ou par: http://www.sidosoft.com/icono/