call for papers


2009 Congress of the International Association for Psychology of Religion
23-27 August 2009, Vienna, Austria

The 2009 Congress of the International Association for the Psychology of
( will be held in Vienna, Austria. The local
organizing committee consists of members of the Department of Practical
Theology and Psychology of Religion
( in co-operation with the
Faculty of Psychology, Vienna University (

Over the years, the IAPR Congresses have become an important meeting
place for psychologists of religion and others interested in the field.
The IAPR encourages contributions from all countries. We invite you to
add to this congress with your empirical and/or theoretical research in,
for example, neurosciences, religion/spirituality, mental health,
fundamentalism or other topics. Congress languages will be mainly
English, but also German and French.

Call for Papers and Registration have started, see

Important dates:

1 October 2008  Start of Call for Papers and of Registration
1 March 2009    Deadline Call for Papers
1 May 2009      Notification of Acceptance of Papers, Panels and Posters
1 July 2009     Deadline for Registration
23 August 2009  Conference begins
27 August 2009  Departure

Local organizing committee: Susanne Heine and Herman Westerink
(Department for Practical Theology and Psychology of Religion,
Protestant Theological Faculty)

Scientific committee: Herman Westerink and Susanne Heine; Jos Corveleyn,
James Jones, Rien van Uden.


This new European periodical in English is of great concern for scholars of religion. It could have been created only in Romania , a land situated at the intersection between West (Europe) and East ( India ). Themes and approach (moderately postcolonial in the case of the Indian scholars) would have delighted Mircea Eliade.


Studies into the Nature and Origin of Humanistic Ideas

Vol. 1 No. 1 Spring – Summer 2008


Edited by Mihaela GLIGOR





Mihaela GLIGOR: Ideology: The Problem…7


David HART: Antoine Louis Claude Destutt: Comte de Tracy…111 [very stimulating reaparisal of a key figure of French Enlightenment]

The Topic : Contemporary Ideologies

T. N. MADAN : India‘s Religions : Plurality and Pluralism.

Religious Pluralism as Ideology…15 [very lucid mise au point on the thorny issue of the relationship between religious and secular in India . „hierarchical” and „holistic” very useful hermeneutical tools]

Carl OLSON: The Deification of Death on Postmodern Thought: A Critical Examination…25 [Heidegger, Derrida, postmodern: very unconventional approach]

Virgil BR A GHICI: The understanding of Being as a logical problem…43

Janam MUKHERJEE: Structure and Violence…65 [Structural violence in African and Indian ethnography, in the companionship of Evans-Pritchard and Durkheim]

Atashee Chatterjee SINHA: Verbal communication and gender discrimination: A study from an Indian perspective…85 [Serious post-feminism, with some sterotypes]

Mihaela GLIGOR: The Ideology of the Archangel Michael Legion and Michea Eliade’s Political View in Interwar Romania …111 [A personal, and convincing, answer to a very debated question: for a documentation see Ead., Mircea Eliade. Anii tulburi: 1932-1938, Bucuresti 2007]

Varia: Philosophical and Literary Studies

Ali Shehzad ZAIDI: The Divine Love of Hafiz and Pushkin in Mircea Eliade’s „The Captain’s Daughter”…127

Liviu ANTONESEI: Modernizing, the Reform of the Calendar and Symbolic Concurrent Times…145 [To understand Orthodox religion in Romanian context]

Sanjukta BHATTACHARYYA: Idea of Basic Myth-Cosmogonic Myth…167


Mac Linkscott RICKETT: B. Rennie (ed.), The International Eliade, 2007

Mac Linscott RICKETTS: B. Rennie (ed.), Mircea Eliade, A Critical Reader, 2007 [the name of the reviewer speaks by itself]

Santosh Kr. SINGH: A. Ahmed, Journey into Islam: The crisis, 2007

Janam MUKHERJEE: V. Das, Life and Words: Violence and the Descent into the Ordinary, 2007

Razvan TATU: J. L. Walls, The Oxford Handbook of Eschatology, 2008



Giovanni Casadio

Matthias Corvinus and His Time



Call for papers
The International Journal on Humanistic Ideology ( invites researchers and academics to contribute to the second issue on the topic: HISTORICISM AND MULTICULTURALISM.
Contributions are welcomed in the form of studies, articles or book reviews. The material will be accompanied by an abstract (10 lines) – except for book reviews – a list of up to ten key words, and by the author’s CV, a list of main publications (1/2 page) and a photo (in case of book reviews, the cover of the book).
Materials, as well as general inquiries, can be sent via e-mail at or
The International Journal on Humanistic Ideology encourages interdisciplinary approaches engaging the following domains: philosophy, philosophy of religions, political philosophy, political science, history, history of religions, history of ideas, history of science, anthropology, sociology, literature, educational science and communications theory. Proposals from other related spheres of research can be submitted to the editors.
The language in which materials will be published is English.
The deadline for the submission of the papers is 1 November 2008.
The International Journal on Humanistic Ideology is published at Cluj University Press, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, biannually.

The Contents of the first issue and details about subscriptions:

Thank you.
with all my best wishes,

Mihaela GLIGOR, PhD
Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca
Department of Humanities

Séminaire Qoumrân de Paris

EPHE – Ve section & Centre Gustave Glotz

Séminaire Qoumrân de Paris

Questions actuelles sur les manuscrits de la mer Morte :

Introduction, critique textuelle, interprétation, traduction, littératures connexes

Responsables : Christophe Batsch (Lille 3), Francis Schmidt (EPHE),

Madalina Vârtejanu-Joubert (CIHR-INALCO)

Programme 2008-2009

le mardi de 14h à 16h, salle des séminaires de l’EPHE

INHA : 2 rue Vivienne 75002 Paris

(métro : Bourse, Palais-Royal, Pyramides)

Mardi 9 décembre 2008 : Madalina Vartejanu-Joubert, L’anthropologie à Qoumrân : questions de méthode.

Mardi 13 janvier 2009 : Francis Schmidt, Les Hasidéens (1Mac 2,42 ; 7,13 ; 2Mac 14,6) sont-ils les précurseurs des Esséniens ou des Pharisiens ? Les enjeux d’une controverse au xviie siècle.

Mardi 10 février 2009 : Ida Fröhlich (Budapest), Homme et démons. Les écrits apotropaïques de Qoumrân : 4QCantique du Sage (4Q510-511) et autres.

Mardi 10 mars 2009 : Christophe Batsch, Les noms de la Loi dans les écrits communautaires de Qoumrân.

Mardi 12 mai 2009 : Mladen Popovic (Groningen), Autour de 4Q186. Présentation et discussion de Reading the Human Body: Physiognomics and Astrology in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Hellenistic-Early Roman Period Judaism (Leyde : Brill, 2007).

Mardi 9 juin 2009 : Valérie Triplet-Hitoto, « Choses cachées et choses révélées » : l’interprétation qoumrânienne de Dt 29,28.

Mardi 23 juin 2009 : José Costa, Le midrash Catena (4Q177, 4Q182).

Zamolxis de la Herodot la Mircea Eliade

Va recomand versiunea romaneasca a tezei franceze a colegului nostru, Dan Dana, Zalmoxis de la Herodot la Mircea Eliade. Mai multi membri ai Asociatiei isi amintesc despre prezentarea si discutiile aprinse de la Scoala de vara pe care am organizat-o la Ipotesti acum doi ani. O lucrare temeinica, extrem de informata; capitolul despre Eliade a fost reechilibrat. Toate felicitarile.
Nu ezitati sa achizitionati/cititi volumul, care arata bine si ca obiect; info suplimentare pe siteul editurii Polirom
Cristian Badilita
Prefata de Zoe Petre

Rar se poate gasi un subiect mai controversat ca figura lui Zalmoxis in istoriografie. Volumul face o trecere in revista a surselor antice – incepind cu textul fondator al lui Herodot –, dar si a comentariilor moderne – in care tezele lui Mircea Eliade joaca un rol semnificativ –, in incercarea de a ne oferi o imagine cit mai completa a zeului. Acesta nu mai apare ca un fondator sau ca un maestru al initierilor, ci ca un pretext schimbator, in masura sa scoata la lumina diferitele intentii care au alimentat o dezbatere indelungata. Scris intr-o maniera accesibila, Zalmoxis de la Herodot la Mircea Eliade constituie o lectura placuta si utila atit pentru specialisti, cit si pentru publicul larg.

Cuprins: Legenda lui Zalmoxis in spatiul literar grec • Un nume, mai multe imagini • Iordanes si lunga sa traditie medievala • Zalmoxis in zorii Europei moderne • Teorii savante despre Zalmoxis: o succesiune de paradigme • Teorii recente despre Zalmoxis: altfel de paradigme • Zalmoxis in Romania si Bulgaria: mirajul unei spiritualitati exemplare • Inapoi in tara getilor • Zalmoxis, un zeu al pretextului

Le vocabulaire de la Septante


De docta ignorantia

De docta ignorantia
Editie bilingva, ingrijita, traducere, tabel cronologic, note si postfata de Andrei Bereschi
De docta ignorantia, compusa in 1440 si centrata pe argumente strict teologice si matematice, se disociaza net de lucrarile clasice ale gindirii medievale. Modernitatea ei consta in a face mesajul religios mai accesibil omului si in celebrarea demnitatii umane, argumente care fac din autorul lor un precursor al Umanismului. Cartea intii a lucrarii are ca tema pe Dumnezeu ca maxim absolut, urmatoarele doua tratind despre univers si despre Christos ca sinteza a celor doua. Pentru Cusanus, Dumnezeu e mai presus de orice; de aceea, orice incercare de a-l gindi pe Dumnezeu sfirseste prin a face apel la formula socratica „a sti ca nu sti”, dovada de suprema intelepciune omeneasca, singura care, in incercarea de a-l intelege pe Dumnezeu, poate transforma ignoranta intr-una docta.

Istoria religiilor (Iudaismul si crestinismul)

A aparut si vol 2 al impresionantului proiect coordonat de G Filoramo: Istoria religiilor (Iudaismul si crestinismul); fireste, ar fi fost normal ca traducerea romaneasca sa fi fost realizata sau supervizata (ca in Occident) de specialisti in domeniu; chiar si asa, merita investitia
Traducere de Cornelia Dumitru
Istoria religiilor este o impresionanta calatorie in timp prin cele mai diverse forme de religiozitate care au caracterizat umanitatea. In acest al doilea volum sint prezentate, de-a lungul evolutiei lor istorice, cele doua mari religii care se afla la temelia traditiei noastre culturale: iudaismul si crestinismul. Iudaismul – incepind de la religia lui Israel si pina in zilele noastre. Crestinismul – acordindu-se o atentie deosebita principalelor confesiuni (catolicism, protestantism, ortodoxism) si expansiunii lor misionare.
„Orice istorie a religiilor este un produs al timpului sau, caruia ii reflecta, alaturi de limite si slabiciuni, exigentele si cunostintele. Aflati in fata unei duble cerinte – pe de o parte, de a contextualiza expunerea diferitelor religii intr-un mod riguros sub aspect cronologic, iar pe de alta parte, de a promova o prezentare a intregului care sa salveze, mai ales in cazul religiilor istorice cu o existenta indelungata, elementele de continuitate si permanenta –, ne-am decis pentru privilegierea celui din urma criteriu.
Am preferat sa recurgem la ordinea consacrata, care porneste de la prezentarea datelor pe care le detinem privind preistoria, parcurge intregul tablou al religiilor antice (vol. I), abordeaza cele trei religii abrahamice – iudaismul, crestinismul, islamul – (vol. II si III), pentru a trece apoi la tratarea religiilor Extremului Orient (vol. IV) si, in final, a religiilor popoarelor sub aspect etnologic (vol. V). Un statut aparte il au religiile dualiste – gnoza, maniheismul si destinul lor medieval –, pe care am decis sa le izolam dupa un criteriu tipologic (ele se gasesc in volumul al treilea doar din motive editoriale), si religiile din America precolumbiana, plasate din motive similare in ultimul volum.” (Giovanni Filoramo)